Greyson Highlands State Park, Virginia
My name is James Welborn. I’m 24 years old, born and raised in Missouri. Growing up I was always fascinated with history, particularly with early explorers. I always wondered what it must have been like to be the first person to fix your eyes on a new land and the excitement that came with it. Even though satellite imagery has greatly impacted the need for explorers, part of me finds that thrill in long distance adventures.
My love for adventure stems from my dad. When I was a kid we were always going on canoe trips or backpacking and camping trips. I have always been fascinated with the outdoors. The anticipation of wondering what is over the next mountain, the feeling of isolation and knowing your grit and ingenuity will keep you going are all things that create the excitement of a trip. I enjoy the challenge of trying to stand up to the elements. The wildness and serenity of the land in its most natural state draws my heart.
I decided to start using my love for the outdoors for a cause. Back in 2014, when I canoed the Mississippi River after high school, people would ask me what I was doing it for. At the time my answer was “Just for an adventure,” but it got me thinking about doing my next trip for a cause. Hence, the name “causeforadventure.” This time, after serving my country with the Army, I am raising money for our nation’s veterans. The men and woman of this country, past and present, have given so much to keep us free. It is my honor to help raise awareness and money through the Gary Sinise Foundation so that they can continue to help our Armed Services.